Rabbithole Prime: UX/UI Case Study
This case study highlights the UX/UI design process implemented for Rabbithole Prime, an Over-The-Top (OTT) platform that provides live sports streaming (specifically cricket and football matches), dramas, and sports highlights.
1. Project Background
Rabbithole Prime was keen on revamping its existing platform to improve user experience (UX) and user interface (UI), making it more intuitive, user-friendly, and engaging for its global users—the project aimed to build an OTT platform that ensures seamless, immersive viewing experiences.
2. Understand
The first step was understanding the end-users behavior, needs, and preferences. This was accomplished through:
User Interviews: Interviews with existing and potential users to understand their expectations and pain points.
Market Research: Analysis of competitor platforms and other popular OTT platforms to identify industry best practices.
User Personas: Creation of user personas to represent the different types of users that would use the platform.
User Journeys: Mapping user journeys for different personas to understand how they interact with the platform.
3. Define
Using the insights gathered, we identified the key problems that needed to be addressed:
Difficulty finding live matches: Users often struggle to find ongoing live matches.
Navigation issues: The existing platform had a cluttered interface, which caused navigation issues for users.
Content Discovery: Users could not discover new dramas or sports highlights due to poor content organization.
4. Ideation
Brainstorming sessions were held to come up with solutions for identified problems. Some of the ideas generated were:
A 'Live Now' feature to quickly access ongoing matches.
A simplified navigation menu.
Personalized content recommendations based on user preferences and viewing history.
5. Prototype
Paper sketches and digital wireframes were created to represent the solutions visually. High-fidelity prototypes with detailed UI elements followed these.
6. User Testing
Usability testing was conducted with a group of users who fit the personas. The objective was to test the prototype, gather feedback, and identify areas for improvement.
7. Iterate
Based on user feedback, multiple iterations were done to refine the prototype until it met the users' needs and expectations.
8. UI Design
After finalizing the UX design, the UI was designed to emphasize simplicity and ease of use. A style guide was created with defined typography, color schemes, iconography, etc., to ensure consistency throughout the platform.
9. Handoff to Development
The final designs were handed off to the development team using Zeplin, providing them with all the necessary specifications and assets for implementation.
10. Evaluate
Post-launch, the platform was continuously monitored to identify any UX issues users might face. This was done through user surveys, usage analytics, and heat map analysis.
11. Outcome
The redesign resulted in a significant improvement in user engagement and reduced drop-off rates. The 'Live Now' feature was highly appreciated, making it easier for users to find and watch live matches. The improved content discovery led to increased viewership of dramas and sports highlights.
12. Lessons Learned
The project underscored the importance of understanding user needs, continuous testing, and iteration in creating a successful UX/UI design. It also highlighted the need for collaboration between the design and development teams to ensure the design is implemented accurately.
13. Future Scope
The design process is iterative and ongoing. Feedback will continue to be gathered and analyzed to make further improvements in future updates. Possibilities include integrating social features to allow users to interact with each other during live matches or improving the recommendation algorithm for even more personalized content suggestions.
14. Conclusion
This case study demonstrated how a user-centered design approach can transform a platform. The new Rabbithole Prime OTT platform now offers a better user experience, with a clean, intuitive interface that focuses on users' needs and preferences and has significantly increased user engagement.

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